Results of matching "FARCH" filter criteria: a total of 34 models

Magnetic Bar Inductor


Model title Inductance DCR Load current Spec. Sample Application
FARCH 1-390uH 0.002-0.25Ω 1-25A
FARCH-110A-1R0L-25 1uH 0.002Ω 25A
FARCH-110A-1R0L-10 1uH 0.002Ω 10A
FARCH-110A-3R3L-10 3.3uH 0.005Ω 10A
FARCH-110A-4R7L-03 4.7uH 0.021Ω 3A
FARCH-110A-4R7L-05 4.7uH 0.012Ω 5A
FARCH-110A-4R7L-10 4.7uH 0.012Ω 10A
FARCH-110A-4R7L-20 4.7uH 0.004Ω 20A
FARCH-110A-100K-03 10uH 0.023Ω 3A
FARCH-110A-100K-05 10uH 0.017Ω 5A
FARCH-110A-100K-10 10uH 0.015Ω 10A
FARCH-110A-100K-20 10uH 0.006Ω 20A
FARCH-110A-150K-03 15uH 0.025Ω 3A
FARCH-110A-150K-10 15uH 0.02Ω 10A
FARCH-110A-220K-03 22uH 0.035Ω 3A
FARCH-110A-220K-05 22uH 0.023Ω 5A
FARCH-110A-220K-10 22uH 0.015Ω 10A
FARCH-110A-270K-05 27uH 0.024Ω 5A
FARCH-110A-330K-12 33uH 0.017Ω 12A
FARCH-110A-470K-03 47uH 0.05Ω 3A
FARCH-110A-470K-05 47uH 0.035Ω 5A
FARCH-110A-470K-10 47uH 0.022Ω 10A
FARCH-110A-820K-03 82uH 0.11Ω 3A
FARCH-110A-101K-01 100uH 0.19Ω 1A
FARCH-110A-101K-03 100uH 0.072Ω 3A
FARCH-110A-101K-05 100uH 0.055Ω 5A
FARCH-110A-151K-03 150uH 0.14Ω 3A
FARCH-110A-151K-05 150uH 0.065Ω 5A
FARCH-110A-181K-05 180uH 0.11Ω 5A
FARCH-110A-221K-03 220uH 0.21Ω 3A
FARCH-110A-271K-04 270uH 0.25Ω 4A
FARCH-110A-271K-10 270uH 0.16Ω 10A
FARCH-110A-391K-03 390uH 0.25Ω 3A
FARCH-110A-391K-05 390uH 0.19Ω 5A

* The above product parameters are for reference only, please refer to the technical specifications for detailed technical parameters

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